Whit Norrad speaking about growing your business with alternative channels at ASOTUCON

👋 Hi there - I’m Whit and I help $1-10M MRR businesses grow with digital marketing & business consulting. I specialize in automotive marketing for car dealerships and have a passion for working with the trades.

I’m an experienced marketing professional that loves digging into data. With over 15 years of experience in sales and marketing roles & a passion for leadership and business ops, I’m always up for helping businesses grow.

Whit Norrad speaking about data usage in digital marketing for car dealers at Canada's Used Car Week

🏎️ For those in the automotive world, you might know me as the Director of Demand Generation at FlexDealer. At FLX, my focus is primarily on growing our client partnerships through demand gen efforts and a focus on large scale dealer group management.

🎉 Who am I though?

First, I’m a cool parent to two little people who have taught me more about life and business than any of my education or experience. I’m cool wife to one awesome human that makes me laugh.

I’m an athlete. A division-winning runner and amateur weightlifter. A hybrid athlete, if you will. Hockey player by trade, I also play ball hockey here in Canada. Better yet, put me outside and I’ll be content.

Beyond that, I love a challenge. I love figuring out a better way to do things and pushing myself. Personal development, organization, efficiency, and self-improvement; tracking and measuring progress gets me fired up.