Lessons In Sales From a 13-Year-Old Kid
My 13 y/o neighbour has more hustle than half of the “professional” sales reps out there. When was the last time that you saw marketing like this? Does it work? Did it work on me?
Physical Mailers in Marketing
😍 First, here’s why I love this as a marketer:
1. I love a good work ethic. Full stop.
2. He’s made it personal, saying he’s our neighbour.
3. He’s undercutting the average cost ($35-40) for a weekly cut in our area which is great for commoditized services at fixed costs.
4. He’s leveraging his authenticity, sharing that he’s young and has modest experience.
4. He put these in all the mailboxes on our street on the weekend with his sister: buying his own time back.
Service Expectations Based on Marketing
☎️ Did I call him? Yep, I did.
His Dad answered and then he called me back. I was busy and couldn’t take the first call. He called me back three times within two days and left very professional (but also adorable) messages.
We have a lawn company we work with for cuts (story for another time), but I asked if he would be interested in doing some general cleanup of leaves, weeds, etc.
He came and got right to work, on time, on the day that we picked. He even brought his own lawn and leaf gear. Better yet, he did a pretty good job. I even upsold him on some extra work moving some firewood that I’d been putting off. He took the opportunity and a tip.
The lesson: be more like Nolan.
If this 13 y/o kid can hustle like this while going to school full-time, there’s no reason your full-time sales team members can’t do the same.